Tests for fresh and saltwater aquariums
pH is the measure of acidity or alkalinity in water, check weekly.
Alkalinity (Buffering Capacity) determines the ability to maintain a constant pH in the aquarium. The ideal level for freshwater aquariums is 120 - 180 ppm, for saltwater aquariums 180 - 300 ppm.
Hardness is the measure of calcium and magnesium in the water. Most freshwater aquarium fish and plants prefer a hardness level of 50 - 150 ppm. Note: the total hardness pad is not used for saltwater tank readings.
Nitrite is a waste product produced by bacteria in the biological filter as it breaks down ammonia. Levels should be kept below .5 ppm and should be tested weekly. Nitrate is the byproduct of nitrifying bacteria in the biological filter breaking down ammonia and nitrite. Levels should be kept below 40 ppm and should be tested weekly.